

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today marks the start of my 4th week on weight watchers. I have now lost 20 pounds!! I am so excited to see the numbers on the scale go down. My all around goal is to be healthy and happy. My first goal is taking this new journey with my body one day at a time. My long term goal is to lose 200 pounds and try to have a baby in 2 years. I want to do this slow and steady. I do not want to have skin surgery. It scares me to have any kind of surgery.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Whats a Reboot?



Today I am feeling pretty sprightly. I woke up energized because I finally slept through an entire night! So thankful that I am on the mend. I have a few friends who have messaged me and told me that they are looking into doing the juice fast too. My biggest advice is to do your research first. Watch the documentary "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead," first before starting the fast. After watching Joe Cross's documentary go to his website - www.rebootwithjoe.com and check out all the information he provides everyone. I am going to share some of his advice on here but please go check out his website for full details.

During a Reboot, you’ll commit to consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for a period of time. 3 days, 5 days, 15 days, 30 days? It’s your choice! The goal is to help you break a cycle of an unhealthy lifestyle and simply enhance the quality of your diet by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.
The results? Excess weight starts to pour off, your belly starts to flatten, your skin glows, you start to think more clearly, you start controlling a disease naturally rather than depending on medication, and overall you are a happier, healthier person. When you consume only juice, your system is flooded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that help your body stay strong and vibrant.

WHAT DOES IT DO FOR YOU? - ( www.rebootwithjoe.com/rebooting/why/ )
A Reboot program, followed by a healthy lifestyle helps you:
* Boost the number of fruits and vegetables you consume daily
* Break the cycle of unhealthy eating and crave healthy foods
* Jumpstart a weight loss plan
* Manage a healthy weight
* Lower the risk of life-threatening diseases
* Promote longevity
* Decrease aches and pains in joints and muscles
* Boost your immune system
* Release stored toxins
* Increase energy levels
* Promote beautiful and healthy skin, nails and hair
* Ease digestion by accessing digestive enzymes locked away in whole produce

Other tips that I have found on his website are as follows: (http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/rebooting/rebooting-faqs/ )
* 80% veggies and 20% fruits
* Most of the plans aim for 1200-1800 calories a day
* Drink juice 4-6 times per day, 16-20 ounces for each juice
* When juicing and storing - store for 24-48 hours in the fridge (72 hours is maximum)
- store it in an airtight container, preferably glass but BPA-Free plastic works too

- you can also freeze it - 7-10 days of freezing

The boys and I are prepping ourselves to do a full 15 day juice fast. When we do begin this I will keep you all updated on how it goes for me. I am super excited to see what happens and I am already happy with the results of drinking the juice now.
This is adventure is awesome and I feel better each and every day (when I am not battling an ear infection of course). I sleep better, I wake up feeling better, I have a better attitude, and my eating habits are changing for the better.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Starting Off Small

Sorry I have been sick for the past few days. But "I'm Back!!" haha. I got the ear plague we call an earache or ear infection. More or less complete misery.

I wanted to talk about bad days & goals. Having a bad day usually makes me think of being derailed off my track or completely not giving a care in the world - despite all the hard work you have put into yourself so far.
Guess what...we all will have bad days. We will all want to give up and not give a flipping care in the world anymore. This is when you will need to remember the number one reason why you started this journey. Is that (insert weakness here _______ ) worth taking a few steps back? Seriously every day, every hour, every minute needs to be taken with caution and love. Taking small steps towards your future goals will be so much more easier to handle than taking full reigns and running full throttle for the end.

For example here are a few of my food goals as of right now:
1) No Caffeine
2) No Eating after 8pm
3) No Dairy
4) No Processed Foods
5) Drinks Lot of WATER!!

Here are my small goals as of right now:
1) Lose 2-3 lbs a week
2) Walk 1-2 miles at night
3) Get my wedding ring back on

Future Goals I want to complete:
1) Lose 170 lbs
2) Try to have a baby
3) Be active outside - walking, swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, mountain biking, running, etc...
4) Be Happy & in Love with myself

We will all slip up every now and again. It's all about how we pick ourselves back up and continue to fight. Have a support team and if you don't, contact me! I will be there for you. I know what it is like to give up on yourself and to lose complete faith in my ability to take care of myself. I am so grateful for my husband and close friends who love and support me. If it wasn't for them I seriously wouldn't be doing this blog or even talking about changing my future for the better. Find someone that you can trust and know that they will stand by you and tell you NO when it is needed most.

I leave you with a challenge today. Find one person and ask them to be your supporter in your new lifestyle change. Then I want you to write down five small goals and five big future goals. Place them on your bathroom mirror or better yet on your fridge! You can even write them in a journal. Somewhere you will see them often. We will have bad days and those small notes to yourself can also make a difference. Believe in yourself, Love yourself, and always remember you are Beautiful!!

Friday, January 24, 2014



One of my favorite scripture verses is Philippians 4:13. I read this verse often because it gives me so much strength. It has brought me so much joy and so many blessings. It's all about trusting Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in your own personal life. I enjoy my drive to work in the mornings because that is my time to let God know whats up in my world. Even though I know he knows whats happening - He still wants to hear us talk to him. It all comes down to Faith. Do you have Faith in your Heavenly Father and our brother Jesus Christ the redeemer? I know that if I am faithful God will pick me up when I fall or fail. I know that He will be there to hear me talk, scream, cry, laugh, love, etc... Without Him I wouldn't have Faith that I could change my inner me.

I know that I was put here in Sarasota for a reason and I'm slowly finding out different reasons to that madness. Moving to Florida in 2008 was an act of Faith for Alen and I. It sounded crazy to most of our close friends and family but to us it felt right. We were following God on this journey as we still are now. I am grateful for the knowledge and love that I have for our Heavenly Father. He knows us well and sometimes we may question that reasoning. But for most there is a reason for everything. I know that I am not alone even in my darkest periods of my life, God had a hand in everything. I trust Him, I adore Him, I respect Him and I love Him.   



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Important Lessons

Rule # 1 - Never ever ever go to the grocery store hungry!! We made that mistake last night. I almost had a complete melt down in the middle of the walmart grocery center. It took all of my will power to not grab everything off the shelves and put it in my cart. I walked pasted each isle and thought "oh that sounds good" & "would it be worth it to cheat one day"... the answer is NO!! Turn around and Run Away!! Over the years of reading about different diets and you'd think I would remember to prepare myself for the grocery store. We had to go buy fruits and veggies for our juices and a few things for dinner. I can say that it is so much easier sticking to the perimeters of the store when you only need fruits and veggies but when you need eggs at the back of the store - then you have to walk by all the processed sugary yumminess that your brain is screaming for. One point Alen stopped me in the middle of the aisle and said, "I am proud of you and I love you"... just to distract me. Of course my brain wants to retaliate at that comment but in reality it meant the world to me. Alen and Matt have been such a strong source in keeping me away from choosing bad. They have faithfully made the juices or smoothies and have made dinner every night so I am not in the kitchen trying to make anything unhealthy.
The best way that I see fit to keep away from the processed foods is to go to a fresh market or farm stand. We love to go to Yoder's Fresh Market. All (well most) of their fruits and veggies are grown in and around Florida. Their prices on everything is perfect and we always walk out of there spending less that forty dollars.

As for exercise, since I know someone is wondering what I am up to. We have been walking every night. Once I lose a little more weight then we are going to try jogging. I have been working on strengthening my lower half since all I do is sit at a desk all day for work. So I will keep you posted as I go on what we decide to start doing. As for now I am taking it one day at a time and walking.


Rule # 2- Don't weight yourself everyday...you will drive yourself Crazy if you do. The best thing that I have noticed and liked so far is to measure myself every 2-3 weeks. Please I know it can be embarrassing to have someone help you measure but I suggest having someone do the measurements so you can get an accurate measurement each time. I have weighed myself in the beginning and I will weigh myself here and there through this process. I have decided to wait and tell everyone my start weight and let you all know how much I have lost in the end. So it's a mystery!!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

One Step At A Time

For the past few days my cravings have been driving my mind crazy. I can literally tell myself that I am full and that I don't need anymore food.  But my mind keeps telling me that I haven't had enough food and that I need carbs. Last night while reading on my nook and talking to the guys about my cravings, I had a thought spring forth into my ever so swirling brain. Instead of gripping, whining, complaining, etc... I will write about it. I have had a few people ask me to write about my experience going forward, so here I am!

The guys and myself have been juicing for 20 days now. In the beginning I felt like I stepped out of a plane and swirled about with no control. When I finally realized that - 1 you can't just dive into juicing and 2- you need to do a little more research into what I was getting myself & the guys into - I finally felt like I stopped whirling about. Reboot with Joe Cross and his movie "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" on netflix opened my eyes to what I could do to change my life around. I encourage everyone I talk with to watch this movie. You can even watch it online from his website. http://fatsickandnearlydead.com/  His website has so many self helps and a lot of guidance. He provides recipes for juices and food. He also provides exercising guides/plans. When I finally made the committment we ordered his 101 Jucie Recipe Book http://shop.rebootwithjoe.com/products/101-juice-recipes-book and luckily Matt's mom had a juicer that she is letting us use. Most of the recipes that we have tried so far are really great. The biggest battle I faced at the beginning was the ominous "green" juice. What was I getting myself into??? When I took the first sip of the juice we made it truly tasted refreshing and tasted like something I have never had before. The recipe we used that day was the Green Lemonade. Now that we have been doing it for a little while, we have started experimenting with making our own juices. It is fun and rewarding all at the same time.

I don't crave sweets anymore - unless I see them. The only thing that I have truly have been struggling with is wanting those bad carbs. I drive by restuarants and dream about eating their yummy food. I know that isn't very effective in changing the way that I think about the food. I am slowly getting there okay? "Patience is a virtue" and I keep telling myself that. Taking this new adventure one step at a time is the only way that I can get through this rough stage.

A New Day - A New Start

Many people have told me that 27 is the best year of the 20's. I have been telling myself that this is the year that I am going to change my life around. We began this journey January 2nd. With the help of my husband and my close friend Matt, we have begun a journey following the Reboot with Joe Cross. You may be asking yourself, what is the Reboot. Well it's simple, we are juicing our vegetables and fruits 3 times a day & eating one whole meal that has plenty of good protein and veggies. As of today 1/20/14 I have lost an inch off of my stomach and almost 5 pounds. I am choosing to measure my body in inches instead of weighing myself. I feel that I will be more successful in losing the inches at first over the weight. My biggest goal with that is to not obess over the numbers!! Of course starting off something so life changing doesn't mean you won't have any hiccups along the way. Yes I have slipped ate chocolate here and there or tried to eat macaroni & cheese while no one was looking. It truly is a mind game with ones self. For example- yesterday when the guys left for church I ran to kitchen to make myself something to eat - anything I could get my hands on, which happened to be Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (spongebob noodles). Right before the guys left I kept telling myself that I will behave and not eat anything. I kept telling myself that it was all in my mind. Well it became a battle with inside my brain. But guess what, I ate a few spoonfuls and decided that I wasn't going to hide it. That way I would be held accountable for my actions. Suprisingly I didn't eat very much of it and ended up throwing most of it away.
I know that each day is a new day to renew what I committed myself too. I am proud to say that I haven't had any caffeine since the 2nd and I don't even crave soda/caffeince anymore. It feels great to be over those certain cravings.
I know that the only way that I will conquer this battle is to take it one day at a time. I have a great support system through my husband and close friends. I am so greatful that I am not doing this on my own. Each day it gets a little easier.

Friday, November 22, 2013


       So I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about certain things in my life. The one thing that I never have to waiver on is my closest friends. Friendship has been my one true life savers these past 5 years. So, I wanted to divulge on what I think a true friend is to me.

True friendship is not when you go to school and hang around with someone just because you have no one else to chill with. It's not calling someone up when you're bored because they are fun to talk to. It's not when you can't think of a birthday gift and end up buying your friend a wal-mart gift card. It's not when you have to talk to someone about something you don't particulary care about (like how much rain we got last year) to avoid an awkward silence. Friendship is not a thing we should take for granted.

Friendship is when you love someone with every ounce of your being and genuinely want them to be happy even if it means sacrificing something yourself to make them happy. A true friend is someone you can talk to about your feelings, someone you can tell things you could never tell your family or even your partner. They are someone who you don't have to talk to but someone you "want" to talk to; someone you will go out of your way to be with.
Friendship is when you love someone so much you want to hold them and never let go, someone you want to rest your head on and cry, and you would let them cry on you too. It's someone you can talk to about things you disagree on and end up being closer for that disagreement. It's when you think about someone and how close you are to them and how much you love them. It's the smile that brings happiness into your life.

Friendship is not about who left but who stays with you and weathers each and every storm. Friendship requires loyalty, truth and complete understanding. It involves communication when you don't understand something. One might come across numerous friends in this life time but there are very few who will be there during your ups as well as stand by you when you are down. A true friend is one who will understand your strengths and shortcomings and would be with you no matter what. True friends put aside pride and hurt feelings, and just care enough to save the friendship.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Finding the Inner Me

For the past two weeks I have started a new regiment with working on me. I realized that Now not later is the time to work on me. I always put me off to take care of everyone else. I have always cared about everybody's well being over mine. Its just easier. When it comes to me I feel like I have to climb a mountain to even begin the new journey. Until I realized that changing doesn't start with the outside, it begins on the inside. I have to change my thoughts and desires on the inside before I can think about the outside appearance. If you truly don't love yourself you are not going to get anywhere! I found a ladies story on youtube the other day and it really inspired me. She broke down DIET into an acronym. So I wanted to share it with everyone so you can use it too.

D- DESIRE: Write down all your desires around being thin in detail.

I- INTUITION: Use your intuition and inner guidance to find the things that would serve you and your    body.

E- EMOTIONS: You need to identify the emotions you have around food and how you used foods to feel better and then work your way into new associations with food.

T- THOUGHTS: You need to change your thoughts about you body, about yourself, and replace these thoughts with new healthy positive thin thoughts.

Another important thing to do is setup TINY goals not BIG goals. You will crash and burn if all you focus on is the end weight goal. I must lose 150, 150, 150, that would drive me back into my shell to think about that over and over again. Believe me I know because I have done it on more than one occasion! So here is to a new beginning and a better future of Me and You!! 

You must choose HAPPY and follow that path...

Love Sarah

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chosing To Go and Do

Getting help from others is a wonderful thing. In the end you are the only one who chooses to stay on the right path. Tomorrow I will be getting up at 5:15am to go work out with Anna. I am choosing to go to bed early and get up freaking early to work out. I hate getting up that early but last time I did it, I felt awesome!! My biggest challenge is choosing proper healthy foods to put in my mouth. I need to retrain my brain to choose other things to distract myself when I am bored, sad, stressed, happy, etc.. I need to find a good hobby to help distract my thought process. I always reward myself with crappy foods. Not good.

I love this photo because God loves me for who I am. Do I love myself for who I am? I am learning to finally tell myself that I am beautiful. Alen tells me every night before we go to bed that he loves me and that I am beautiful. Before anyone can change themselves for the better, they have to love themselves first. In the mornings I have been making myself stare at my body and tell myself that I am loved and that I am beautiful!! Alen tells me that the only who matters what I look like is him...but I believe that I have to love myself too.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Things I Need To Change

I have lived this excuse over and over. I know that I am not the only one who has done this. Just one more cookie won't hurt. In my case one more soda won't hurt. "I promise once monday comes I will stop." I said this to Anna the other night. Except it was about exercise. I will start monday and she said how about friday! 5:15 am here I come! (p.s. I survived!!!) Also another thing, yes its good to plan your meals out but I need to stop thinking about what I am going to eat next. It's like I live to eat myself to death. I need to find a hobby that I can switch my brain into thinking about instead of food.

I am a Pinterest junky who loves to look at healthy eating habits and exercise routines. Do I do anything about changing my eating habits or exercise routines...no. Now it is the time that I change my mind process from hating myself to loving myself. I have struggled with self-esteem  for a very long time. A wise person once said, "Wanting to be someone else is a waster of the person you are." - Marilyn Monroe. Alen tells me everyday that I am beautiful, and I roll my eyes. I need to stop doing this action immediately. I love me, I love me, I love me....

I am a big offender of this theory. Wouldn't have this issue if I didn't buy the junk my stomach hates. I feel like I eat the same things over and over again. Time to choose healthy foods and make them into yummy meals! "I don't live to eat. I eat to live." - Brock Robins

This is the number one thing that I need to conquer! I will take this one day at a time. I hope to change into the real Happy Me in time. I know I can't do this all on my own but I do know that it's up to me whether or not I get off my butt and do the work. I can do this!! You can do this!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Personal Progress

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
My home in heaven seems so far.
I long to see my Father's face,
from down here in this worldly place.
Each night among the stars I see,
a sign that He has left for me.
Seven stars shining bright and true,
Each brings to mind a sacred value.
I know I am of Royal Birth,
If I seek these values while on earth.
Then my Father's face I'll see,
As He calls my name and welcomes me.

Well I don't know if I have told anyone...but I am the new Young Women's 1st Counselor. I will mainly be in charge of Personal Progress, which I am really excited about! Why? Well because I was blessed with the opportunity of finishing my values before I was even baptized. Only due to the wonderful encouragement and push to do it from beautiful Emily! If it wasn't for her, I probably would have never done it. I am greatful now that I know it will be a bigger use with helping the girls in young womens here in Venice. The little poem, I found it on sugardoodle.net. I love that website soooo much! Anywho I just wanted to share with you my little bit of excitement that I am going through at the moment.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Little Suprises

I love little suprises in life. Today was one of those. After sacrament I was heading to my class room to get set up before primary began and I got stopped by Sis. Dooley (Primary President). She told me that I couldn't go into my class room (so I knew something was up). I said alright and headed to the primary room for open exercises. When I got into the room my 3 wonderful kids acted all excited about something but they said they couldn't tell me. Again I said alright and went & sat down. Sister Dooley comes walking in and says thanks for not going into your room because I had to move some things around. (hmmmmmmmm) Alright. So when it was my classes turn to go to class.....Brandon said Sister Behmer you have to go in first. Of course all three race to the door and wait for me to go in first. I open the door and there was 3 cards & a small plate of brownies wrapped in syran wrap with a cute little red bow on top.
Now I should explain why I received such a great suprise. Last week during class my three wonderful kids, were not very well behaved. I had my friend Amanda who just got called to primary come in the room with me to observe. I felt bad because I was afraid she wouldn't want to teach afterwards. I told Amanda to give the report back to Sister Dooley that they were really bad.....but before she could say anything, the 3 of them spoke up and told her what happened. They felt so bad they asked if I could teach them this week so they could apologize.
I am still a primary teacher until they release me because I was called into Young Womens as the 1st counselor. Anyways I wanted to share with you the cards they wrote me.

Dear Sister Behmer,
I am sorry and I will try not to talk as much and I will be better I am sorry. - Your Student Brandon

I'm sorry for the way I acted last week, I will do better please forgive me. - Love Sage

Dear Sister Behmer,
I am very sorry I was bad. I can't help it. I laugh way too hard but its because of Sage, she's so funny. I hope you don't remember me as a very bad kid. I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH!
Love- Sister Giler (Alison)

Now I must say this about my kids. They are wonderful kids and I love them to death. I am grateful that I get the chance to teach them only a weekly basis about the gospel. They are such examples to me (even when they act up). It was a nice suprise and I won't remember them as bad kids.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Things I am learning

Well I am finally listening to my own advice. I am always telling people to get down and pray about things happening in their lives...and I seldom do it for my own self. I am learning that the only way that I am going to beat my struggles with weight loss is through the help of my Heavenly Father. "I never said it would be easy...I only said it would be worth it." That statement hits me hard every time I read it, because it hits home hard. "Fear of the unknown is often the greatest fear"...and this is the #1 thing that I am struggling with right now. I am truly scared at how my life is going to change when I lose all the weight. I know I shouldn't be because I will be healthy, etc... I guess I am more afraid that my overall attitude in life is going to change. If anyone has advice about this reaction...please write me.
I am on phase three of my new journey and I've lose a total of 7 pounds as of yesterday. Which to me is alot but I want to see results!! I know that I need to be patient because this will take time. I am trying to be more active and that says alot. Lets say, I am more willing to accept the activity when it is being presented. Before I started this journey I didn't want to do anything. My favorite thing so far is snorkeling by the South Jetty. My ultimate goal is to someday be running on the beach every morning or night....but again I need to be patient and work my way there.
"Taking responsibility for our actions is the first step in making positive changes in our lives." This is #2 that I am working on right now. I am currently doing a food journal and I have screwed up alot on what I am "not" suppose to be eating...but I write it down. This is HUGE for me to do. "It's only one time...." so what, if you have that mentality then you are just headed for a crash. So I write down everything and I mean everything- even how I felt when I ate it. Then when I have my weekly meeting with my nutritionist she knows how I felt and then she goes over of why I ate those things. Changing how you eat & think is hard but very rewarding. "We will not succeed if we quit trying. Just because we have failed countless times before is no reason to ever give up!"
"We need to be patient and expect some discouragement and failures along the way." I had to accept that there will be ups and downs to losing weight. Like last week...I gained back 3.1 pounds because I wasn't watching close enough to what I was eating. So during my meeting there were many tears and alot of guilt because I felt like a failure. I am now learning that "Change on the outside has to begin with the change on the inside." I am so tough on my self and I degrade myself way too much. I try to remind myself of this..."We need to keep focusing forward. It may take as much energy to go backwards as it does to keep moving ahead." I need to remember that each day is a new day and it's a chance for me to learn from my past and work on my future.
I will end my little insight for tonight with my favorite scripture from the bible.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
Thanks for all the love and support that I have already received...it really is appreciated.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Friends From the Past and Now

I am so grateful for the many friends that I have been given through my past years of life. I know I can't write our life stories down but I will atleast tell you I love you and I truly miss you all.
Ashley C.- Even though we are not friends anymore I still love and miss her everyday. She was my best friend for 7 years. Ashley was goofy, strong willed, out going, & she never gave up on what she wanted in life. I have so many fun memories of hanging out with her and staying up late at night laughing & trying not to be loud so we wouldn't wake up her mom & dad. She always brought a smile to my face when I was down and hurting. Ashley stood by my side through a really bad rough spot in my life (parents divorce) and she always stood up for me. I wish I could go back and change the things that split us apart but I was never given the chance. I pray for her everyday and I will until the day I die.
Sara B.- My fun, goofy, inspiring, outgoing, talented friend Sara has been a crutch in my life. I met her my junior year in high school. She is the reason where I am today in my life. Sara took me to church with her and helped me find my place in this world. She has such a gift at playing the piano and singing...I'm still jealous of her ability lol. Sara taught me patience...because there was alot of rough patches in her life that I helped her through. I never gave up on her because I knew she would never give up on me. I miss the time we lived together in Provo UT because we had so many fun times together. Sara is one of my closest best friends and I wish she was closer to me. I love You Sara..BFFE! You are my sunflower in my life.

Stephanie (F.) J.- When I moved to Provo UT, I was so nervous with living with a total stranger. The first day she came out to meet me, I knew the second I saw her everything would be okay. I am sure she laughed at my little ghetto datsun 210 that I drove 1,000 miles but it got me there safely with no problems. Steph is and has been my inspiration with staying strong in the gospel and losing weight. Even though my stay in Provo was only 4 months, Steph will be a life time friend. She kept me strong, even if she didn't know it. She also had a beautiful singing voice, I loved getting ready for church and different activities because she would sit in our small hallway in front of the mirror and sing to whatever she put on. I pull out my little scrap book every now and again to remember those times. I would relive those 4 months any day. Steph I love you and I miss you!
Emily E.- My mentor, bestfriend, & Mom in a way. You and your family where my family & home away from home. I miss being able to walk down the street and hanging out or you calling me randomly to go grocery shopping so you could breath for just a few moments with out boys crawling down your back for something. You kept me strong through all the transitions in my life from waiting to be baptized, to being baptized, to living a normal life, being my mentor with everything, and being my escort to the temple. You have been there for me no matter what and that means the whole world to me. I love You Em and I wish I was closer to you.
Judi F.- My Bestfriend & Big Sister. I have known you over 16 years now. You and I have been through alot together. I am grateful that you grew up 3 houses down from me. I miss our slumber parties and our camping trips in each others front yards. You and I will be best friends for eternity. Even though we are not biological sisters you are close enough in my heart to be one. I miss you and your family everyday. You are such a wonderful mother to your boys and such an example to me. I miss hearing you sing and playing the many instruments that you played. You are so talented with the things you have a passion for. Especially your jewelry. One day I promise to buy something again from you ;). No matter where we are in our lives, I know we will never grow apart from each other. I miss you everyday and I Love You!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Finally Updating

I just realized how long it has been since I started this blog. Sorry to anyone who was reading our blog. So I guess I should update you on what we are up too.

I have been going to school full-time at Meridian Career Institute in Sarasota, FL. I am enrolled into the Medical Billing & Coding course and so far I love it. I am upholding my 4.0 gpa very well and that makes me very very happy! I should be graduating the end of the year, they don't have a set date yet. I'm doing a 9 month course and the last month I am doing an externship with a doctors office. I am in the process of finding one closer to home so I dont have to drive over 50 miles a day for it. I want to get Nationally Certified as soon as I graduate so I can move out of Florida when ever I want.

Alen has been working for Air Movers. What is Air Movers...well they take care of water damage & mold remediation. They are keeping him really busy lately. I guess this is their busy season until the end of October. Most of the time I get to see him maybe 3 hours before bed time. So thats been a big bummer but we will survive. Alen loves florida because of the fishing here. He said fishing in WA really sucked.

We Moved to Florida because Alen has always wanted to live here and I wanted out of the rain. I am truly happy for the sunshine but I miss everyone back home! We made many new friends and we feel at home here. If anyone wants to come visit we got an extra bedroom and bathroom for ya. I'd love to see family and friends anyday. =)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life can be interesting

So far school is going alright. It's been almost 4 years since I've graduated high school...and it's crazy to be back in school. I really do love it though, which suprises me because I was really nervous about starting. I have fallen into a schedule finally...which is the greatest. I am taking four classes right now and I think that is just fine. I don't feel overload with homework all the time, because that would drive me up the wall. I am also really busy with my weight loss. I have lost 20 lbs so far..and I can almost fit into most of my jeans I wore in high school :) go me!! It's been a rewarding but a struggling war. I can't wait to see myself when I lose my total amount. I have 107 more lbs to go before I reach my goal weight. My goal is to lose most by next April because I am going to Cancun and I want to look sexy!! :) My friends and family are a huge support to me...which I am very greatful because I would have given up by now. I feel happier now then I ever have before, I am starting to feel healthier on the inside and on the outside. I don't get tired as fast anymore either when I work out. Which is AWESOME!!!! Anywho just thought I'd finally write a new blog.