Many people have told me that 27 is the best year of the 20's. I have been telling myself that this is the year that I am going to change my life around. We began this journey January 2nd. With the help of my husband and my close friend Matt, we have begun a journey following the Reboot with Joe Cross. You may be asking yourself, what is the Reboot. Well it's simple, we are juicing our vegetables and fruits 3 times a day & eating one whole meal that has plenty of good protein and veggies. As of today 1/20/14 I have lost an inch off of my stomach and almost 5 pounds. I am choosing to measure my body in inches instead of weighing myself. I feel that I will be more successful in losing the inches at first over the weight. My biggest goal with that is to not obess over the numbers!! Of course starting off something so life changing doesn't mean you won't have any hiccups along the way. Yes I have slipped ate chocolate here and there or tried to eat macaroni & cheese while no one was looking. It truly is a mind game with ones self. For example- yesterday when the guys left for church I ran to kitchen to make myself something to eat - anything I could get my hands on, which happened to be Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (spongebob noodles). Right before the guys left I kept telling myself that I will behave and not eat anything. I kept telling myself that it was all in my mind. Well it became a battle with inside my brain. But guess what, I ate a few spoonfuls and decided that I wasn't going to hide it. That way I would be held accountable for my actions. Suprisingly I didn't eat very much of it and ended up throwing most of it away.
I know that each day is a new day to renew what I committed myself too. I am proud to say that I haven't had any caffeine since the 2nd and I don't even crave soda/caffeince anymore. It feels great to be over those certain cravings.
I know that the only way that I will conquer this battle is to take it one day at a time. I have a great support system through my husband and close friends. I am so greatful that I am not doing this on my own. Each day it gets a little easier.
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