

Friday, June 22, 2012

Things I Need To Change

I have lived this excuse over and over. I know that I am not the only one who has done this. Just one more cookie won't hurt. In my case one more soda won't hurt. "I promise once monday comes I will stop." I said this to Anna the other night. Except it was about exercise. I will start monday and she said how about friday! 5:15 am here I come! (p.s. I survived!!!) Also another thing, yes its good to plan your meals out but I need to stop thinking about what I am going to eat next. It's like I live to eat myself to death. I need to find a hobby that I can switch my brain into thinking about instead of food.

I am a Pinterest junky who loves to look at healthy eating habits and exercise routines. Do I do anything about changing my eating habits or exercise routines...no. Now it is the time that I change my mind process from hating myself to loving myself. I have struggled with self-esteem  for a very long time. A wise person once said, "Wanting to be someone else is a waster of the person you are." - Marilyn Monroe. Alen tells me everyday that I am beautiful, and I roll my eyes. I need to stop doing this action immediately. I love me, I love me, I love me....

I am a big offender of this theory. Wouldn't have this issue if I didn't buy the junk my stomach hates. I feel like I eat the same things over and over again. Time to choose healthy foods and make them into yummy meals! "I don't live to eat. I eat to live." - Brock Robins

This is the number one thing that I need to conquer! I will take this one day at a time. I hope to change into the real Happy Me in time. I know I can't do this all on my own but I do know that it's up to me whether or not I get off my butt and do the work. I can do this!! You can do this!!

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